According to estimates, the amount of oil found will make Israel self sufficient for many, many years.

Prayer Opportunity: Yet another puzzle piece in the Middle East. Please continue to pray for God’s will and purpose to be accomplished in the land and in the hearts of all who inhabit Israel and the surrounding area. Aligning ourselves and praying for governments and leaders to do so as well, combined with our faith that God sits enthroned and no matter the evil or chaos that is seen. He is still in control and will execute judgment and protect the righteous as we seek to abide in His presence. “He will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is set on Him because he trusts in Him.” Isaiah 26:3

Liberty, equality and fraternity are now superseded by the recognition accorded the darkest regime known to man.

For Prayer:  This article explains the consequences of the Iran deal and the implications to global history. This is a dark day for the history of democracy and the evidence of man’s desires to satisfy himself while disregarding the consequences of others, even relatives, community, or a nation. In it Dr. Kedar calls out the gross omission in the Iran deal of Iran’s role in the war in Syria and the atrocities it has brought. This deal is all wrong on so many levels.

  • The people of Iran have been oppressed mainly by their own government, not sanctions. Pray for the growing spread of the Gospel in Iran in spite of political advances and deals. Pray for believers there to increase in faith and boldness.
  • Pray for God’s intervention against Iran’s stated claim to wipe out Israel and the US–the “Big Satan”. Iran has no obligation to meet any agreement they make with an infidel, let alone an entity such as the US. They have no intent to do so. Politicians capitulate for their own advantage.
  • Pray against man’s selfish desires as their motivation that cause them to fall into the plans of the enemy against all of humanity. Thank God that He is still in control and can trump any wicked agreements to implement His plan and purpose to save and not destroy the people of the earth.
  • It is time to cry out to God, all those who believe He exists, to save us from ourselves and draw us to Himself. He is good. In Him is Life.

Response to the slander of Rabbi Riskin because of his YouTube video in English. Rabbi Riskin took upon himself the sacred mission of bringing non-Jews closer to understanding the Jewish faith.

For Prayer: This excellent article explains why some Orthodox Jews seek to foster relations between some Christians and Jews. Not all Christians would even desire to have a relationship with Jews as they do not read and understand the entire Bible and seek to understand God’s heart regarding Jews and Christians.

If you have wondered why some who call themselves Christians hate Jews, while others embrace them. This article may shed some light for your understanding.



israelijetfrom Times of Israel

Life-saving system takes control of plane if pilot loses consciousness; air force personnel to be fitted with device.

Sensors in the new Cannary system medically monitor the pilot and provide real-time detection and alert in case of any distress signals during the flight. An additional sensor, attached to the pilot’s forehead, measure his oxygen level, blood flow and heart rate.

Prayer: Thank God for the innovative products that Israel continues to bring to the market. May the world begin to recognize and appreciate all the good the Lord gives to the world through his people Israel. Let these acknowledgements ultimately point to the only One True God, our Creator, the God of Abraham.

Israeli-developed ‘fancy fungus’ helps plants grow | The Times of Israel.

Mycorrhiza is a secret sauce that can help many crops thrive. An Israeli firm has developed a way to use it more effectively

Good news for sustainable farming without harmful chemicals. Pray for smooth transition and acceptance in the market and for many more scientific revelations like this to come forth. God bless Israel and lead their technology advances to be a blessing and light to the entire world!
 Yehuda Glick Photo by Emil Salman

Yehuda Glick Photo by Emil Salman

Rabbi Yehuda Glick, spokesman for the Joint Committee of Temple Organizations – is in serious condition after being shot in front of the capital’s Menachem Begin Heritage Center Wednesday night.

According to police, the shooting took place at approximately 10:30 p.m. outside the memorial center, located near the Old City, by a suspect riding a motor bike who fled the scene.

Glick, who has a long history of advocating for Jewish prayer rights at the Temple Mount, spoke Wednesday evening at the Begin Center alongside MKs Eliyahu Ben-Dahan, Moshe Feiglin and Miri Regev at an event titled “Israel Returns to the Temple Mount.” Read  more

See also

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Violence has been escalating recently. The police have closed the Temple Mount to both Jews and Arabs to avoid further escalations. Watch and Pray.

It’s official: Interior Minister Gideon Sa’ar instructed the Population Administration to recognize the Aramean-Christian community as a national separate from the Israeli Arab one • “I have no words. This is an historic move which remedies an injustice done to the Christian community,” Father Gavriel Nadaf told ‘Mida’ • Maj. (Res.) Shadi Halul, spokesman for the Israeli Christians Recruitment Forum: “We will live alongside the Jews to protect our right to live as nations who were here before the Arab conquest. A new era has begun in the history of the State of Israel”.

The Aramaic Christians in the State of Israel have been listed as a national entity on Israel’s civil registry. The primary purpose of civil registration is to create legal documents used to establish and protect the civil rights of individuals.

To read more about this historic decision click here.

Israel Recognizes Aramean-Christians

Middle East Prayer: Pray that Israel will be seen by the entire world as the light and life of the Middle East as she consistently supports minorities while the Islamic world oppresses and sometimes kills minorities in contrast.

15-year agreement makes Israel chief energy supplier for kingdom; minister hails ‘historic’ move
By Marissa Newman September 3, 2014, 4:11 pm

Read more

An aerial view of the Tamar gas processing rig, 24 km off the Israeli southern coast of Ashkelon (Photo credit: Moshe Shai/FLASH90)

Pray that more cooperation will ensue and that Arab countries surrounding Israel will understand the advantages of cooperation and trade with the State of Israel. Father Abraham was honored by the leaders he encountered when he came to the promised land because they recognized the blessing of God on him and wanted some of it. God has planned for Israel to be a light to the nations who will receive her.

The global health technology industry is booming as population levels and life expectancies increase around the world. Forbes recently named its picks for the top-10 most important health companies, from a start-up that enables doctors to provide patients with personalized instructions via easy-to-understand videos, to a  robotic exoskeleton that helps people with spinal cord injuries to walk. Five of the 10 companies have ties to Israel.

God has promised that Israel will be a light to the nations. This is just one way they are shining. Pray for Israel, those doing the research and those whose job it is to tell the world. And pray that the world will see the light.

With all the ice bucket challenge stuff going around, this article shows Israel is actually making a difference in ALS research.

A study currently under way at the Hadassah Medical Center in Israel which incorporates the NurOwn treatment, has succeeded, for the first time, to halt the progress of ALS and even improve muscle function. The treatment is done using the patient’s own stem-cells that underwent an innovative procedure. (read more)

Pray that God will continue to bless the minds in Israel to bring hope and healing to the world for the Glory of God!

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