Liberty, equality and fraternity are now superseded by the recognition accorded the darkest regime known to man.

For Prayer:  This article explains the consequences of the Iran deal and the implications to global history. This is a dark day for the history of democracy and the evidence of man’s desires to satisfy himself while disregarding the consequences of others, even relatives, community, or a nation. In it Dr. Kedar calls out the gross omission in the Iran deal of Iran’s role in the war in Syria and the atrocities it has brought. This deal is all wrong on so many levels.

  • The people of Iran have been oppressed mainly by their own government, not sanctions. Pray for the growing spread of the Gospel in Iran in spite of political advances and deals. Pray for believers there to increase in faith and boldness.
  • Pray for God’s intervention against Iran’s stated claim to wipe out Israel and the US–the “Big Satan”. Iran has no obligation to meet any agreement they make with an infidel, let alone an entity such as the US. They have no intent to do so. Politicians capitulate for their own advantage.
  • Pray against man’s selfish desires as their motivation that cause them to fall into the plans of the enemy against all of humanity. Thank God that He is still in control and can trump any wicked agreements to implement His plan and purpose to save and not destroy the people of the earth.
  • It is time to cry out to God, all those who believe He exists, to save us from ourselves and draw us to Himself. He is good. In Him is Life.